Trettioåriga Kriget:
- Lång historia
- Mina löjen
- Om kriget kommer
- Metamorfoser
- Andra sidan
- Ljuset
- Moln på marken
- Fjärilsattityder
- Krigssång
- Gnistor
- En kväll hos X
- Act of war (bass solo)
- Ur djupen
- Hej på er
- Dagspress
- Kaledoniska orogenesen
*Slottsskogen Goes Progressive. Hej på er! was requested by me. All bands were filmed and the shows were released partially on a DVD. Missing the setlist from Abramis Brama.
- Entering the spectra
- Alex in paradise
- The spirit remains the same
- Wheel of life
- Do U tango
- Is this the end
This entry is stored in Saturday, August 21st, 2004 at 10:48 am and is filed under Concert. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.